
At the Educate the Children Foundation, we are committed to providing educational opportunities for children in need who are unable to afford it.

To ensure fairness, transparency, and maximize the impact of our funding, we have established criteria to guide our selection process.

Our selection criteria

Financial need
The primary consideration for funding allocation is the financial need of the applicant. We prioritize children who come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds or families facing financial hardships, where the cost of education is a significant burden.

Educational potential
We aim to support children who demonstrate a strong commitment to their education and possess the potential to succeed academically. This can be evaluated through previous academic records, recommendation letters, or any other relevant evidence indicating the child’s eagerness to learn and achieve educational goals.

Impact and long-term benefit
We give preference to applicants whose education will have a meaningful impact on their lives and their community. This can include children from marginalized or underserved communities, applicants with aspirations to pursue higher education, or those pursuing vocational training that will lead to improved job prospects and self-sufficiency.

Program / institution accreditation
We prioritize funding for children seeking education from recognized and accredited educational institutions or programs. This ensures that the resources provided are utilized effectively and that the education received meets certain quality standards.

Priority to basic education
While we acknowledge the value of higher education, our primary focus is on providing support for basic education needs, such as tuition fees, school supplies, uniforms, transportation, and essential educational resources. However, we may consider special circumstances for funding higher education on a case-by-case basis.

Diversity and inclusion
We value diversity and inclusivity in our selection process. We strive to support children from various backgrounds, including different genders, ethnicities, religions, and disabilities, without any form of discrimination.

Availability of funds
As much as we aim to assist as many children as possible, our funding capacity may limit the number of applicants we can support. In such cases, we will assess applications based on the urgency of need, unique circumstances, and available funds at the time of evaluation.

Local community engagement
We encourage applicants who actively participate in community activities or have a demonstrated commitment to giving back to their communities. Involvement in extracurricular activities, community service, or leadership roles showcases a child’s willingness to contribute positively to society.

By adhering to these criteria, we strive to ensure that our funding reaches those children who are most in need of educational support and who will benefit the most from our assistance.

Is funding guaranteed?

It is important to note that meeting all of the criteria does not guarantee funding, as the selection process also considers the total pool of applications received and the available resources at any given time.

What are the effects of poor education?

People who lack education have trouble getting ahead in life, have worse health and are poorer than the well-educated. Major effects of lack of education include poor health, lack of a voice, shorter lifespan, unemployment, exploitation and gender inequality.